March 31, 2020

While we wait...

While we wait for the doors to open 
For the sky to be grey
And the air to be dense again

Why don't you and I make a pact tonight
For our hearts to remain free 
And our eyes to not have any judgement

Why don't you and I remember these days 
For dawns to come and dusks to settle
And etch these moments that we'll never have again

Why don't you forget what rose your blood 
For in the long run, what matters is who made it 
And those that did, earned their place in cement

Why don't you remember to keep your distance 
For it's needed to keep you safe 
And when you know you can't, never look back again. 

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Burn in hell, please.

As you leave, without a soul by your side,  I hope you finally saw the dark side of your deeds. The curses that turned to flame will continu...