Life's been full of....
Storms that turned my world upside down
Comfort of my warm family that never turned its back on me
Full of broken promises and of goodbyes that stretched
forever into darkness.
Gorgeous mountains and breath-taking rainbows
Days that were so dark I couldn’t even see my thoughts
Moonlit nights with eyes of an angel above me
Cravings to go under a rock and never come back
Breezy evenings that turned into beautiful sunrises
Truck hit cars
Talking with the machines and falling in love with the wheels
Of struggle with my mind to forget and to remember
The gain and the losses, the blunders and the blotches, of
people and places, of emotions of love and hate – much as I try I can’t remember
All that remains is ME. I am made up of ALL of that and
more. I am what I am because of all that was then and all that will be.
I am ready for another bout of madness.